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Literature $5 for each set of 50.

Dealers, get 50 copies of your favorite piece of Max-Well literature for just $5, with free shipping. In "Description", just tell us how many 50 packs of flyers or brochures you would like.

Please choose from these titles:
Trifold-Ionic Sea Minerals
Flyer-Ionic Sea Minerals
Trifold-Ionic Sea Mineral Powder
Flyer-Ionic Sea Mineral Powder
Trifold-SeaBoost Cream
Flyer-SeaBoost Cream
Trifold-Ocean Treasure
Flyer-Ocean Treasure
Trifold-Milk & Coconut Algae Face Mask
Trifold-Whipped Rice & Coconut Scrub
Trifold-Soothing Sea Soak
Trifold-Scrub Sampler

Price: $5.00
6.84 CAD 7.43 AUD 4.56 EUR
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