all want to be healthy. My name is
Schneider Jr., founder of
Back in 2006 I learned a major
key to being healthy.
I learned the secret of sea minerals!
Sea minerals
prevented cancer
It all started
when I discovered research done by Dr.
Maynard Murray.
400 white lab mice
that were prone to developing breast cancer
were selected for one of his studies. 200 got cancer, and
most all of the other 200
group didn't.
What made the difference? The
200 where only a handful developed cancer were fed a diet
grown with sea minerals.
Sea minerals
prevented other diseases
Dr. Murray did numerous
other animal experiments where
he fed them crops grown with sea minerals.
Rats didn't get eye disease (the control
group did)
Rabbits didn't get hyper
tension (the control group did)
Other disease problems vanished in
chickens and rats, and pigs stopped
Peach trees that were
fertilized with sea minerals didn't get
curly leaf virus,
turnips didn't get center rot, tomatoes
didn't get mosaic virus. The control groups
all did.
Zero disease in the ocean
What prompted Dr. Murray to experiment with
sea minerals? It all started when he did an
autopsy on various sea creatures and
discovered zero disease in the ocean, while
similar species of fish living in lakes and
streams were riddled with disease.
Dr. Murray believed there was
no disease in the ocean because sea plants
and sea animals live in a perfectly balanced
mineral environment. Sadly, many of the
trace minerals found in the ocean are no
longer available to plants growing on land.
Similarly, when Dr.
Weston A. Price evaluated
people groups that lived in great mountain
basins where trace minerals had no chance to
be washed from the soil to the sea, he found
that they had very little tooth decay or
other diseases. Some lived to be 120 years
old. Trace
minerals are that important to health.
Find your solutions for maximum wellness
(see our menu, upper left corner)
You can find products
that help restore missing nutrients to
the soil.
Discover low
sodium sea minerals that may be taken as
a supplement.
You can also find supplements
that contain choice seaweeds.
Remember, seaweeds grow in a perfect
mineral environment.
It is our prayer that you will find here the
help you are looking for. May the Lord grant
that you find maximum wellness.
minerals used for agricultural applications
how sea minerals can help alleviate
The magnesium in Sea Minerals
may result in health